Denver Fun Facts

  • Denver is the nation’s most highly educated city with the highest percentage of college graduates.
  • Denver brews more beer than any other American city.
  • Denver receives 300+ days of sunshine a year.
  • Denver has the largest city park system in the nation with 205 parks in the city limits and 20,000 acres of parks in the nearby mountains.
  • Denver has the highest percentage of “Baby Boomers” of any major U.S. city.
  • Denver really is a mile high.
  • Denver International Airport (DEN), which has been lauded as the best and most on-time airport in the United States, which covers twice as much land area as Manhattan.
  • Colfax Avenue in Denver is the longest continuous street in America.
  • The 13th step of the state capitol building in Denver is exactly 1 mile above sea level.
  • It is now a ghost town, but in 1861, Nevadaville outside Central City was larger than Denver.
  • When Denver built the Denver International Airport (DIA) it required the moving of 110 million cubic yards of earth even though it’s on a relatively level site. That is approximately one-third the amount of earth moved to build the Panama Canal. The airport is the largest airport in the country (53 square miles).
  • Denver boasts 85 miles of off-road trails for bikers and runners and is Bicycle Magazine’s top city for bicyclists. Bike paths link the city’s 205 parks and many streets have bike lanes. More than 130 miles of designated bike paths and lanes.
  • Colorado’s sunny, temperate climate makes year-round outdoor recreation possible. With 40 state parks and 3 national parks in metro Denver’s back yard, prime recreation opportunities abound for biking, hiking, camping, fishing, or skiing.
  • More than 75 public and private golf courses are located in Metro Denver. 25 world-class ski resorts are within 100 miles of the metro Denver area.
  • The city and County of Denver has the largest city park system in the nation with 205 parks within the Denver city limits. Over 20,000 acres of parks are located in the nearby mountains. counties throughout metro Denver have preserved over 100,000 acres as open space for future generations to enjoy.
  • The invention of the world’s first “cheeseburger” belongs to Louis Ballast, who, in 1935, grilled a slice of cheese onto a hamburger at his Denver Humpty Dumpty drive-in.
  • As the “Baby Boomer” capital of America, Denver has the highest percentage of boomers than any major U.S. city.
  • Denver is built on high plains and is one of the flattest of all American cities.
  • The entire world’s supply of Colorado onyx, a rare stone found near Beulah, Colorado is used as wainscoting inside the Denver State Capitol.